AuthAnvil On-Demand Rebranded Passly

Legacy AuthAnvil On-Demand

As many long time Kaseya customers are aware Passly used to be known as AuthAnvil On-Demand.

Kaseya released AuthAnvil On-Demand in Spring 2016.

Kaseya via the ID Agent team announced on April 6th 2020 that AuthAnvil On-Demand was rebranding as Passly. This was published via the v7.0.0 release notes.

When ID Agent rebranded Passly we added the URL https://* to replace https://*

We kept both URL's working during the change over to ensure that all integrations etc. remained functional.

AuthAnvil On-Demand is Passly

Passly is the Anvil that Kaseya built security on. We are continuing that work with Passly and we want to ensure that all customers are receiving the best experience. 

Why should we the change URL's being used?

  • During the migration of URL's we also changed from using a Polymer based User interface to ReactJS. This was done as part of a greater migration of all Kaseya products to a unified framework.
  • All the integrations that were created under AAoD are available today as Passly integrations. These integrations will need their URL's updated.
  • If users are log in the legacy URL's they are seeing a degraded experience as the legacy UI/Polymer is no longer updated. In time they will loose the ability to sign-in using the legacy URL.


Going forward we want to ensure all users are logging into Passly using the Passly URL https://*

  • Administrator Users will see Features like Report Manager, Password Server and Integration Manager when they log into Passly.
  • Integrations will remain working exactly as they have without any issues. These changes can be made in production without interrupting user access.

Next steps

To prevent any possible issues in the future we recommend the following actions now to update your production Passly usage.

These changes will mitigate the issues caused by the AuthAnvil URL's stop working.

Change locations.

  • SAS URL.
  • Integration URL's.
  • Bookmarks.



If you have used any of the AuthAnvil legacy integrations, these legacy integrations used a legacy URL for authentication known as a SAS URL, this was something exclusive to AuthAnvil branded integrations. The legacy SAS URL these will need to be updated to prevent lose of functionality.

  • Old SAS URL: https://*
  • New SAS URL https://*

Once the URL is updated and the settings saved the new URL will take over with the same functions as the legacy branded URL made.

2. Integration URL's 

If you have setup any SAML Applications, Open ID Connect, OAuth 2.0 etc. configurations, in the host product you want to update the URL's in use. 

For example.

  • Issuer URL: Issuer URL https://* 
  • SSO Endpoint: SAML2.0 Endpoint (HTTP) URL https://* 
  • SSO Logout Endpoint: SLO Endpoint (HTTP) URL https://* 

Apps may have been configured with the URL using https://* in place of https://* making this change will prevent the application from having any connection issues later.


We recommend having all your users update their bookmarks to prevent any lose of functionality.

  • Bookmarks may have been configured with the URL using https://* in place of https://* Once the URL is update the issue will be resolved. 

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