Software Management 2.0. Full migration guide.

With the 9.5.9 version, VSA introduces the new version of the Software Management module ​— 2.0. This version brings important advantages:

  • Frequent module updates thanks to native in-house technology without any 3rd party dependencies.​
  • Reliable Windows patching including BIOS and driver patching using native Microsoft Update service.​
  • Better performance and reduced storage ​consumption on end machines.
  • Native VSA Software Catalog to install, update and uninstall 3rd-party software.​

Please, keep in mind that Software Management 1.0 is deprecated and will be discontinued in future releases.​

Video tutorial 

Migration objective

During migration, you have to migrate «Scan and Analysis» and «3rd-Party Software 1.0» profiles. Deployment and Override profiles do not need to be migrated.

«Scan and Analysis» profiles migration

«Scan and Analysis» profiles defines an "OS Patches Engine" and therefore need to be updated to support the new module version.

Step 1. Open edit dialog for a given «Scan and Analysis» profile.


Step 2. Change the value of the «OS Patches Engine» field to «Kaseya 2.0».


Step 3. Save the form.

That's it. During next scheduled scan procedure VSA will use new version of the module to do the scan. Your override profiles will continue to analyze newly discovered patches.

Keep in mind that «Virus removal» patches are not supported in the new version.


3rd-Party Software profiles migration (manual)

Step 1. Create a new profile for 3rd Party applications. 

Software Management 2.0 introduces a new type of profile, called «3rd-Party Software 2.0». It is a replacement for old «3rd-Party Software 1.0» profiles.

Open the «3rd-Party Software 2.0» menu item and create a profile. Specify a set of applications to be installed and updated. Use the «auto update» option to automatically approve new software versions.



Step 2. Assign a new profile to the list of machines.

Open the «Machines» page and reassign the new 3rd-Party Software 2.0 profile to a list of machines.  Use the «Assign Profiles» button and select a new 3rd-Party Software 2.0 profile in the «3rd-Party Software» field. Be attentive to include the same list of machines. 



3rd-Party Software profiles migration (automated)

With 9.5.10 we introduced a migration interface to automatically create new profiles and reassign machines.

Step 1. Open migration dialog.

Open «Configuration» -> «Settings» page and open the «Migration» tab. Click on the «Migrate 3rd-Party Software Profiles» button.

Step 2. Choose profiles to be migrated.

Check old profiles you would like to be migrated. Check «Enable «auto update» to automatically approve new software versions. Check «Reassign machines» to automatically reassign machines to the migrated profile. 


Step 3. Review migrated profiles.

Once the operation is finished you will have a set of migrated «3rd-Party Software 2.0» profiles. You can identify migrated profiles by «(migrated)» postfix.

Please review the list of migrated applications. In some circumstances, VSA can skip transfer of a particular application version, open the «Application Logging» page for details. In that case, you have to manually add missing application versions.

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