How to protect a local directory on a Unitrends system


How to protect a local directory on a Unitrends system



This article discusses how to protect data stored in a Unitrends system’s samba share.

Applies To   

Unitrends Recovery Series


This article discusses how to protect data stored in a Unitrends system’s samba share.

Applies To                                                                           

Unitrends Recovery Series

Symptoms / Description                                                  

The Unitrends system comes prepared with a samba network share to allow external data to be stored on the Unitrends system.  The samba share should be used sparingly as data within the samba share is kept in the backup storage file system.


To protect data stored on a Unitrends system’s samba share, use a local directory archive to disk.

  1. Select the Archive sub system.
  2. Select Archive Now (or Schedule Archive).
  3. Select the box for Archive Local Directory Information.
  4. Select Open File Browser.
  5. Navigate and select the local directory “/backups/samba”.
  6. Select “Add”.
  7. Select “Archive Now” to begin an archive of the local directory.

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