Directions for how to properly configure archiving to a tape library which has multiple tape drives
Directions for how to properly configure archiving to a tape library which has multiple tape drives
Applies To Appliance 6.0+ Symptoms /
Description Requirement
The RecoveryOS must have ADX as part of the license feature string.
ISSUE: The tape library device does not show up when you go to Archive->Media or Archive->Archive Now.
CAUSE: In the past, both tape drives were configured to use the same parent changer device.
Resolution / Workaround / Execution Process
Go to Archive->Settings and configure only one tape drive to use the parent changer that is the picker arm device.
If both drives are _not_ visible, then you will need to SSH to the DPU and run: psql bpdb -U postgres -c "update bp.archive_devices set parent_device_id = null"
Then go back in the RRC to Archive->Settings and associate the visible tape drive with the tape picker arm.