Perform a Windows Instant Recovery of a Client Agent based backup to a Unitrends Recovery-Series Appliance that supports Instant Recovery.
Before you continue...
- Review your options and Considerations for the virtual failover client location (VFC).
- When choosing to host the VFC on the Unitrends Recovery-Series appliance, verify that the Unitrends system resource are sufficient for your Windows Instant Recovery. This is very important with STEP 5 in the Tasks window below.
- Set the Instant Recovery space according the Administrator Guide requirements. Generally 20% or greater of the used value of the system you need to restore.
CONFIGURE > Appliance (tab and select your Unitrends) > Storage (tab, bottom) > Edit (button)
- Click RECOVERY (menu) > Backup Catalog (tab) > Instant Recovery (button) > Windows Instant Recovery (dropdown)
- Select the Asset Name of the system you need to restore. Click Next.
- Select the LOCATION DETAILS Type of Unitrends Appliance. Click Next.
- Selection your options for resources, disks that are to be included, and Database options (shown as a separate tab). You can click on View Source Details (arrow 1) to see what your original system used for resources. If you want a report, enable the check box next to Email verification report. Click Save.
- The Unitrends will now perform the work to convert the backup into a Virtual Machine on the Unitrends system. When successful, the Status will change the Idle. Once on Idle, you will have the choice to perform an Audit or go Live. Access to the VM that is in Audit or Live must be done through a VNC client. You can go into Audit at any time, and revert back to Idle mode. Once you go Live, your only option is to Tear Down.
- Tear Down When Live: There are two options:
- Delete the virtual failover client from the appliance only.
- Delete the virtual failover client from the hypervisor and appliance.