Image-based Bare Metal restore - Stop code 7B after driver injection was successful


After the dissimilar image-based bare metal restore process has completed, which may have involved driver injection, the system still blue screens (BSOD) with the stop code 7B.



 Correct stop code 7B after dissimilar restore with driver injection was performed

Applies To

 Windows systems

Symptoms / Description

After the dissimilar image-based bare metal restore process has completed, which may have involved driver injection, the system still blue screens (BSOD) with the stop code 7B.


Resolution / Workaround / Execution Process

 1) Make sure you have injected the correct driver for the version of Windows restored to disk.  For example, if you are restoring a Windows 2008 64-bit client using the BareMetal boot media, be sure you are providing the proper Windows 2008 64-bit storage controller driver.
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You may need to put the driver on a USB memory stick or Map Network Drive in order to access the driver.  Afterward, you may Verify Compatibility and Inject the driver.
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 2) If step #1 did not resolve the issue alone, then, at the Bare Metal restore screen when booted to the Bare Metal disc, open a new command prompt and run:
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In the registry editor (regedit), select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM, then go to File->Load Hive.  Navigate so that you load C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM.  Provide a key name of UNITRENDS.  Then navigate to HKLM\UNITRENDS\ControlSet001\Services.  There will be a service for your driver, such as mraid35x.  Go into the key and look at the key Start.  If Data is 4, set it to 0.
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  1. In the Registry Editor, select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
  2. Select File > Load Hive.
  3. Navigate to the drive on which Windows is installed (usually C:\).
  4. Open the file named SYSTEM located at Windows/system32/config.
  5. Name the file as P2V, when prompted.
  6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\P2V\ControlSet001\services\LSI_SAS.
  7. Right-click the Start key and click Modify.
  8. Set the Value data to REG_DWORD 0.
  9. Close the Registry Editor.
  10. Restart the virtual machine.
Third-Party Sources

VMware KB Article 200216


 The storage controller driver is incorrect.

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