Image-based Bare Metal - need to perform restore while original server is on the network
To provide steps for how to perform an image-based bare metal restore to a test box while the original client is still on the network.
Note: This article applies only to image-based bare metal restores. To perform a test integrated bare metal recovery for a Windows client (releases 7.4 and higher), see Performing a test integrated bare metal recovery in the Unitrends Administrator's Guide.
Applies To
Symptoms / Description
Resolution / Workaround / Execution Process
When creating the BareMetal boot disc using the Windows agent software, you may change the IP, Network Mask and Gateway that will be utilized when booted from the disc.
Now, the Client Name needs to remain unchanged because the disc’s software will use this to be able to identify its related backups on the backup appliance.
To avoid an IP conflict you may change the IP, Network Mask and Gateway.
On the DPU, it needs to be able to resolve the Client Name to the IP address specified above. If it is not present in the DPU’s hosts table, you should add it to ensure that the IP resolution overrides that which is in DNS. This is done under Configure->Network->Hosts.
Important: If you are using a temporary IP address for this test, do _not_ forget to change the DPU’s hosts table entry back so the normal nightly schedules can run as normal.
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