I/O errors would prevent the import and recovery of all files, including those not directly affected, from the tape.


The tape archives complete and write just fine, but when importing, the tape device reports Input/output errors when reading sometimes, usually after rewinding or positioning to a new tape file. EAPP-3219 Tape Import I/O Errors


The tape archives complete and write just fine, but when importing, the tape device reports Input/output errors when reading sometimes, usually after rewinding or positioning to a new tape file.  These symptoms from the uarchive log during import are shown below:

 1 (23567): 2018-04-02 13:27:18.076 -0400 : [LOG0] rpc_import.c:1538: Processing tape file number 1
 1 (23567): 2018-04-02 13:27:19.082 -0400 : [LOG3] media_tape.c:2965: Tape at /dev/nst0 is positioned at file 1
 1 (23567): 2018-04-02 13:27:19.082 -0400 : [LOG3] media_tape.c:3003: Positioning device /dev/nst0 to beginning of file 1
 1 (23567): 2018-04-02 13:27:21.101 -0400 : [LOG3] media_tape.c:2965: Tape at /dev/nst0 is positioned at file 1
 1 (23567): 2018-04-02 13:27:21.101 -0400 : [LOG3] media_tape.c:3091: Tape at /dev/nst0 is positioned at beginning of file 1
 1 (23567): 2018-04-02 13:27:21.101 -0400 : [LOG2] media_tape.c:1864: Processing next file on tape
 1 (23567): 2018-04-02 13:29:43.191 -0400 : [LOG0] rpc_import.c:1538: Processing tape file number 1
 1 (23567): 2018-04-02 13:29:44.196 -0400 : [LOG3] media_tape.c:2965: Tape at /dev/nst0 is positioned at file 0
 1 (23567): 2018-04-02 13:29:44.196 -0400 : [LOG3] media_tape.c:3003: Positioning device /dev/nst0 to beginning of file 1
 1 (23567): 2018-04-02 13:29:50.875 -0400 : [LOG0] media_tape.c:3072: Failed to ioctl(/dev/nst0, MTIOCTOP, MTFSF, 1): Input/output error
 1 (23567): 2018-04-02 13:29:50.875 -0400 : [LOG0] media_tape.c:3073: Error in tape_seek_ua()
 1 (23567): 2018-04-02 13:29:50.875 -0400 : [LOG0] uaerr.c:40: Error: Failed to reposition tape device


To resolve this issue, upgrade your appliance to version 10.1.1-3 or later.

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