DEPLOYMENT: How to deploy the Unitrends Backup Virtual Appliance (AHV/Citrix/Hyper-v/VMware)


Includes all links for download, best practices, deployment, and registration/activation of the UB Virtual Appliance product.


The power of the Unitrends Backup is only as good as the solution it is deployed on. While you can deploy the UB on your own, we recommend that you purchase an Unitrends Install Plan and work with a Unitrends Installation Engineer to ensure your deployment is sound. Please contact your Unitrends Representative for more information.

The instructions and links below are for those who choose to self-install and deploy the UB Virtual Appliance. A thorough understanding of the environment that you wish to deploy UB into, including its limitations and capabilities, will help you determining the best deployment options. Consider researching what is required for a successful restore from software and hardware vendors and test your backup and restore strategies on a regular basis. 


Follow the guidance listed in the Tasks section. 


IMPORTANT: The vCPU and vRAM that the UB is deployed with is only to allow it to be booted and configured. You must add to this, adequate processing and memory resources for proper operation and processing of the data collected. Failure to do so could result in loss of data, corruption, and/or redeployment. We recommend starting with 4vCPU and 16GB of vRAM as your base, then follow the Best Practices guide from there.
(NOTE: The more memory the better, but no less than 4GB of RAM per allocated vCPU.)

  1. Read and understand the Deployment Best Practices for Unitrends Backup. You need to have this foundation BEFORE you choose the hardware to deploy the Unitrends Backup (aka UB). The performance, efficiency, and resilience of the UB Solution depends on the how you deploy the UB, the hardware, the storage solution chosen, and the resources such as CPU and Memory assigned to it.
  2. Choose the proper Deployment Guide for the Hypervisor the UB Guest VM will reside from our Downloads page (see bottom section).
    • When you are ready to add storage to the Unitrends Backup, it must be from a single storage solution (do not mix). Adding the storage as a Virtual Disks and then managing it from the Storage (tab) Internal device object is the recommended best practice. Fast, simple storage is recommended. We already have replication, deduplication, and copy processes in our product. See the Deployment Best Practices for Unitrends Backup.
    • If you are re-deploying in an attempt to recover and continue using your backups, review the section labeled, "Attaching storage that contains existing backup data."
  3. Download the newest version of the Unitrends Backup.
  4. The default SSH Command Line Interface user is root and the default password is unitrends1. Please change the password as soon as possible to ensure you retain the highest level of security.
  5. Review the Administrator Guide for Recovery Series and Unitrends Backup to determine the protection and recovery options best suited for your business.
    • Use the Administrator Guide for the HTML5 /ui/ Web Administrative Interface, your primary interface.
  6. Register or Activation your Unitrends Backup Appliance to receive your License Key, Feature String, and enable the Support Level for the UB consistent with your trial or purchased.
  7. You should be able to perform all of your work in the new HTML5 /ui/ Web Administrative Interface. If you are not able to perform a process using the new HTML5 Web Administrative Interface, please contact Unitrends Technical Support so we can investigate and correct the missing functionality.

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