How to protect the iSeries AS/400 licensed internal code and certain system libraries
System software cannot backup all iSeries data, such as licensed internal code and certain system libraries. Therefore, the iSeries software is not intended to perform as a bare metal product and cannot recover a system to its original state in the event of hardware or software failure.
Unitrends protects file level and library data for iSeries/AS400 through remote FTP access. Recovery of that system would first require recovery of the system OS including recovery of the system data. Unitrends does not provide BareMetal restore of iSeries/AS400 platforms. That process must be performed by IBM integrated tools. This article clarifies that process.
To enable disaster recovery, it is recommended that a GO SAVE option 21 or option 22 system backup is also performed periodically e.g. monthly as a supplemental system backup to ensure current critical files are available."
For more information on GO SAVE command options access IBM’s Infocenter site at:

Option 21
Saves all of your data for additional licensed programs, such as Domino® or System i™ integration with BladeCenter® and System x™ (integrated servers) when you select to vary off your network server. Also, if you have Linux® installed on a secondary logical partition, you can back up that partition when you select to vary off your network server.
Option 22
Saves only your system data. It does not save any user data. Option 22 puts your system into a restricted state. This means that no users can access your system, and the backup is the only thing that is running on your system.NOTES
iSeries AS/400 backups overview and procedures are covered in Chapter 10 of the Unitrends Administrator Guide.
More detailed information on iSeries backup can be found in IBM's documentation.
This is the document for release 7.3
This is the document for release 7.1
This is the document for release 5.3
AS400/iSeries administrators should be familiar with the processes required for platform recovery and are encouraged to practice the processes contained within. Unitrends Support staff can only assist in file and library recovery to an already functional AS400/iSeries platform and cannot assist in any processes related to platform-level recovery.