Why are new tenant users not listed in my license manager?

Spanning automatically refreshes the user list once per day to search for new users in your Microsoft 365 tenant. However, if a new user was recently created to your tenant, and Spanning has not yet run this user refresh, this new user won’t appear in the Manage License’s page. To have these new users show up immediately after you have created them and not have to wait for our daily automated tenant sync to run you can initiate an on-demand tenant sync by following these steps:

1. Log into Spanning Backup via the app link as an administrator to be presented with the Spanning Admin Console page.

2. You will be on the User’s tab by default. Click on the Manage License tab to populate the license manager page. Click the refresh button and to start the on-demand tenant sync.

3. After the new list loads, either manually navigate to the newly created Microsoft 365 users or search for them in the search bar.

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