BMS-VSA Integration | Asset sync field mapping

This is our current mapping between VSA and BMS fields. The tables are in a specific order, so we follow the same order and iterate through them starting with Table 1, Table 2 and finishing with Table 3. As you can see there are some fields that are common among the tables, the last value will always prevail. For example, Product Name will have the value from Table 3 if there is a value there. If there is no value in Table 3, then it will have the value from Table 1. 
From the Asset Endpoint - Table 1
Asset Name AssetName.MachineGroup
Machine Group Id MachineGroup
Description DeviceName
Asset Type AssetType (Based on the AssetTypeId)
Product Name DeviceInfo.HostName
Asset Manufacturer DeviceInfo.Manufacturer
Machine Version DeviceInfo.Version
SerialNumber DeviceInfo.SerialNumber
OS Type DeviceInfo.OSType
OSInfo DeviceInfo.OSInfo
Motherboard Manufacturer DeviceMotherboard.MotherboardManufacturer
Motherboard Version DeviceMotherboard.MotherboardVersion
Motherboard Serial Number DeviceMotherboard.MotherboardSerialNum
Motherboard Product Code DeviceMotherboard.MotherboardProductName
IP Address DeviceIP.IPAddress
SubnetMask DeviceIP.SubnetMask
DHCP Enabled DeviceIP.DHCPEnabled
MacAddress DeviceIP.MACAddress
MaxMemorySlots DeviceMemories
MaxMemorySize DeviceMemories.MemorySize
From the Agent Endpoint - Table 2
OS Info OSInfo
Major Version OSVersion
Last Loginname LastLoggeedInUser
Last Reboot LastRebootTime
Last CheckIn LastCheckInTime
Current User CurrentUser
Max Memory Size RamMBytes
Default Gateway DetaultGateway
DNS Servers DNSServer1 | DNSServer2
DHCP Server DHCPServer
Primary Wins Server PrimaryWINS
Secondary Wins Server SecondaryWINS
Connection Gateway Ip ConnectionGatewayIp
First CheckIn FirstCheckIn
From the Agent Audit Summary Endpoint - Table 3
Product Name SystemInfo.ProductName
Machine Version SystemInfo.Version
Serial Number SystemInfo.SysSerialNumber
Wins Enabled NetworkInfo.WINsEnabled
PrimaryWinsServer NetworkInfo.PrimaryWINS
SecondaryWinsServer NetworkInfo.SecondaryWINS
ConnectionGatewayIp NetworkInfo.ConnectionGatewayIp
IpAddress NetworkInfo.IpAddress
SubnetMask NetworkInfo.SubnetMask
DefaultGateway NetworkInfo.DefaultGateway
MacAddress NetworkInfo.MacAddr
DHCPEnabled NetworkInfo.DhcpEnabled
DHCPServer NetworkInfo.DhcpServer
DNSServers NetworkInfo.DnsServer
LastCheckIn TimeInfo.LastCheckin
LastReboot TimeInfo.LastReboot
FirstCheckIn TimeInfo.FirstCheckin
ChassisManufacturer Chassis.ChassisManufacturer
ChassisType Chassis.ChassisType
ChassisVersion Chassis.ChassisVersion
ChassisSerialNumber Chassis.ChassisSerialNumber
ChassisAssetTag Chassis.ChassisAssetTag
MotherboardManufacturer Motherboard.MotherboardManufacturer
MotherboardProductCode Motherboard.MotherboardProduct
MotherboardVersion Motherboard.MotherboardVersion
MotherboardSerialNumber Motherboard.MotherboardSerialNumber
BusSpeed Motherboard.ExternalBusSpeed
MaxMemorySize CPURAM.MaxMemorySize
MaxMemorySlots CPURAM.MemorySlots

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