This is our current mapping between VSA and BMS fields. The tables are in a specific order, so we follow the same order and iterate through them starting with Table 1, Table 2 and finishing with Table 3. As you can see there are some fields that are common among the tables, the last value will always prevail. For example, Product Name will have the value from Table 3 if there is a value there. If there is no value in Table 3, then it will have the value from Table 1.
From the Asset Endpoint - Table 1 | |
Asset Name | AssetName.MachineGroup |
Machine Group Id | MachineGroup |
Description | DeviceName |
Asset Type | AssetType (Based on the AssetTypeId) |
Product Name | DeviceInfo.HostName |
Asset Manufacturer | DeviceInfo.Manufacturer |
Machine Version | DeviceInfo.Version |
SerialNumber | DeviceInfo.SerialNumber |
OS Type | DeviceInfo.OSType |
OSInfo | DeviceInfo.OSInfo |
Motherboard Manufacturer | DeviceMotherboard.MotherboardManufacturer |
Motherboard Version | DeviceMotherboard.MotherboardVersion |
Motherboard Serial Number | DeviceMotherboard.MotherboardSerialNum |
Motherboard Product Code | DeviceMotherboard.MotherboardProductName |
IP Address | DeviceIP.IPAddress |
SubnetMask | DeviceIP.SubnetMask |
DHCP Enabled | DeviceIP.DHCPEnabled |
MacAddress | DeviceIP.MACAddress |
MaxMemorySlots | DeviceMemories |
MaxMemorySize | DeviceMemories.MemorySize |
From the Agent Endpoint - Table 2 | |
OS Info | OSInfo |
Major Version | OSVersion |
Last Loginname | LastLoggeedInUser |
Last Reboot | LastRebootTime |
Last CheckIn | LastCheckInTime |
Current User | CurrentUser |
Max Memory Size | RamMBytes |
Default Gateway | DetaultGateway |
DNS Servers | DNSServer1 | DNSServer2 |
DHCP Server | DHCPServer |
Primary Wins Server | PrimaryWINS |
Secondary Wins Server | SecondaryWINS |
Connection Gateway Ip | ConnectionGatewayIp |
First CheckIn | FirstCheckIn |
From the Agent Audit Summary Endpoint - Table 3 | |
Product Name | SystemInfo.ProductName |
Machine Version | SystemInfo.Version |
Serial Number | SystemInfo.SysSerialNumber |
Wins Enabled | NetworkInfo.WINsEnabled |
PrimaryWinsServer | NetworkInfo.PrimaryWINS |
SecondaryWinsServer | NetworkInfo.SecondaryWINS |
ConnectionGatewayIp | NetworkInfo.ConnectionGatewayIp |
IpAddress | NetworkInfo.IpAddress |
SubnetMask | NetworkInfo.SubnetMask |
DefaultGateway | NetworkInfo.DefaultGateway |
MacAddress | NetworkInfo.MacAddr |
DHCPEnabled | NetworkInfo.DhcpEnabled |
DHCPServer | NetworkInfo.DhcpServer |
DNSServers | NetworkInfo.DnsServer |
LastCheckIn | TimeInfo.LastCheckin |
LastReboot | TimeInfo.LastReboot |
FirstCheckIn | TimeInfo.FirstCheckin |
ChassisManufacturer | Chassis.ChassisManufacturer |
ChassisType | Chassis.ChassisType |
ChassisVersion | Chassis.ChassisVersion |
ChassisSerialNumber | Chassis.ChassisSerialNumber |
ChassisAssetTag | Chassis.ChassisAssetTag |
MotherboardManufacturer | Motherboard.MotherboardManufacturer |
MotherboardProductCode | Motherboard.MotherboardProduct |
MotherboardVersion | Motherboard.MotherboardVersion |
MotherboardSerialNumber | Motherboard.MotherboardSerialNumber |
BusSpeed | Motherboard.ExternalBusSpeed |
MaxMemorySize | CPURAM.MaxMemorySize |
MaxMemorySlots | CPURAM.MemorySlots |