Problem: When accessing the Access Rights tab in System > User Roles, we get this error:
The server principal 'kaseyaVSAXXX' is not able to access the database "kapps"
Cause: The database "kapps" does not have the correct Server Roles to complete this action.
Resolution: Follow these steps and try again to see if the error gets cleared up:
1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and log in
2. Once logged in, expand the Security > Logins folder
3. Right-click on the affected username 'kaseyaVSAXXX' and select Properties
4. Ensure it has these two roles: public and sysadmin
5. Choose the User Mapping tab from the above window, and select kapps
6. Add db_owner and public to the affected username 'kaseyaVSAXXX'.
7. Confirm that the issue gets cleared up in the UI.