04/16/2024 Graphus Release Notes v5.06.19


Phish911 – Phishing training emails separated from other reported phishing emails

The task of reviewing suspicious emails reported by recipients is now more efficient. When Graphus determines an email is a phishing training email, the email will be listed on a separate Phishing Training tab on the Phish911 page. The other reported phishing emails will be listed on the new Reported as Phishing tab.

Separating the phishing training emails allows you to focus on the other reported emails that may need detailed analysis. While reviewing emails on the Reported as Phishing tab, if you identify a phishing training email and select Phishing Awareness Training in the Phish911 Action modal, the report is moved to the Phishing Training tab when you close the report. 


  • The resulting error when clicking the Message ID link in the Investigate modal has been fixed.
  • The Log Out and Help functionality on the Message ID page has been fixed.


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