Gatherlogs is a utility for collecting logs and other diagnostic data from a Windows machine:
- all log files modified within specified time-frame (e.g. 24 hours)
- msinfo32 report
- Windows event logs
- list of certificates from personal store
It can be used on an agent or VSA server.
Usage instructions:
Agent Procedure method
1) download procedure from here (use "save link as" to download zip file)
2) go to Agent Procedures > Managed Procedures > Schedule/Create
- select a folder
- click on Import Folder/Procedure button and select the XML file from the zip downloaded in step 1
3) run the procedure on the target agent using the "Run Now" button in the Schedule area
- when prompted, submit number of hours of logs to capture (any log files updated in this time-frame will be included in the archive). Please ensure the time-frame includes the last time the error condition occurred, or as requested by support technician.
4) on completion, agent procedure log should show this: -
Archive is ready for download from Agent Procedures > File Transfer > Get File ( Encryption password is "57370686"
(password is randomised)
5) go to Agent Procedures > File Transfer > Get File area, download the file and provide it to Kaseya support along with the encryption password
Manual method
(if target machine does not have online agent)
1) download utility from here
2) copy the 2 files from the zip to a folder on target machine (e.g. c:\kworking)
3) run command shell (cmd.exe) as administrator and execute utility this way: -
c:\kworking\gatherlogs.exe -z c:\kworking -t 24 -p password
-z = folder to create the log archive in (if not specified, the file will be created in c:\)
-t = threshold hours (in above example, log files modified in last 24 hours will be included). Please ensure the time-frame includes the last time the error condition occurred, or as requested by support technician.
-p = encryption password for the archive
4) file kaseyalogs.7z will be created in the specified folder. Please provide this to Kaseya Support along with the encryption password.
To exclude specific files folders or drives from log collection, copy the exclusions.txt file from the archive (download link above) to the same folder you are running the executable from. Add exclusions, one per line, as per these examples: -
Exclude a specific file | c:\windows\comsetup.log |
Exclude a folder | c:\my application\logs |
Exclude a drive | z:\ |