vPro Proxy Port Configuration


 vPro machines are not accessible within my network or through the configured Public IP Address set up within the vPro -> vPro Proxy page. Which port can I use to set up the vPro Proxy?



You may use ANY Port to configure a vPro proxy as long as it doesn't use any port that isn't in use with a few exceptions. The only exception to this rule would be, for example, is port 5900 as VNC uses this port, and ports 16992 - 16995 as this range is used by the vPro machines when trying to KVM Remote Control on to the machines. Once you choose what port to configure for the vPro proxy, you will need to confirm if the port has been opened on the router for the public IP Address.

Note : For customers not using our on-premise solution, you will need to use any port between 25000-25049 and be sure to configure that port on the network router in which the proxy is based off. 


More Information:

If for any reason the vPro Proxy is still not publicly accessible, please confirm if any other firewalls within the network and even within the agent you're trying to implement the proxy on has the ports 16992-16995 open in addition to the port you have opened on the vPro proxy settings on the VSA. Also, be sure that the port you have set up on the vPro Proxy has also been opened for the Kaseya Server as it also needs to communicate with the proxy by design.

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