KNM unable to send email notification


  • KNM unable to send email notification.
  • KNM >System log shows:"the request address is not valid in its context" =>.."



  • This normally results from an attempt to bind to an address that is not valid for the local computer. This can also result from he remote address or port  not being valid for a remote computer (for example, address or port 0).
  • Port field in the System Module> Outbound Mail > General Tab does not have value.



  1. Go to System Module > Server Management > Outbound Mail> General Tab.
  2. Click Edit > verify and check if Port is set to 25 or if SSL set to 587
  3. Go back to KNM  and test.
  4. If the issue remains after setting up  the port value , please enable logging, refer to this link -
  5. Check if there are any old KaseyaNetworkMonitor.log in the Logs\Services subolder. Rename or delete it if there are any.
  6. Reproduce the issue(manually recreate an alert to test if email is sending out).
  7. Zip the Kaseya Network logs located in the <Kaseya_Installation_Directory>\Logs\Services and attach this to the  ticket.


Applies to

R8, on-premise only


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