Question: Can I run Agent Procedures from KNM?
Answer: Directly, you cannot run Agent Procedures natively through KNM.
Here is a Feature Request you should 'Like' to show this is an important feature for future inclusion in the product.
However, you can create a ticket in Service Desk using KNM's 'Ticket Alert Action', which has the ability to run procedures on Agent-based machines only.
- Service Desk must be installed and you must have at least one Service Desk 'Desk license' eligible to create/install a unique desk for KNM Tickets
- Ticketing Module must be disabled (You cannot use both Ticketing and Service Desk at the same time)
- KNMi on your Kaseya Server (Note: Agent-less devices require an agent license to monitor them in KNM)
You can check this in System > License Manager > Licenses Tab:
If you do not have adequate licensing you can reach out to your account manager.
Instructions on how to perform this follow below.
Step 1:
Once you have verified licensing, it would be time to setup KNM to assign the create a ticket action on the Folder/Network/Device you would like to run procedures on.
This can be found in KNM under the respective level you have selected using the Actions Tab:
In the above screen shot it will create tickets for all devices within the 'Home' Network. If you only want to create tickets for agent-based devices which can run Agent Procedures, it will need to be assigned on a device level.
Step 2:
Enable Service Desk in the VSA, which may be enabled already.
(You may need to disable Ticketing if it is enabled. Ticketing can be disabled by navigating to Ticketing > Email Reader)
Step 3:
Install a Service Desk.

Specify which Desk you want the alarms to get created in (This may vary depending on your SD implementation, in this example it is the only desk installed)

- This will run the specified Service Desk Procedure on the Agents that create a new ticket (It will not run on agentless devices unless the procedure itself is designed for this)
- Please account for any additional/existing Service Desks already in production before implementing changes
- Additional automation and procedures can be built into the Service Desk logic