Compiling Custom MIB Files

Download and Run the MIB Compiler

  1. Navigate to the Network Monitor > Tools > Utility downloads page.
  2. Click the MIB compiler link to download the utility to your local machine.
  3. Run the utility.


Start the <KaseyaInstallDirectory>\knm\mibcompiler.exe.

1) Click the Compile button.
2) Specify where where you want to save the compiled *.dat file.
3) Click the Browse button to select the *.dat file that was just compiled. An interactive MIB tree displays in the main window. You can use it to navigate through the different OIDs.
4) Move or copy the compiled *.dat file to the KNM\mibs folder.
5) Restart "Kaseya Network Monitor Service"

 Please note: Some MIB files are dependent on other MIBs. These requirements are described in the MIB files themselves. When compiling the MIBs, make sure you load all the necessary MIB files in the proper order and compile them into 1 .dat file.

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