Where are the monitor sets related files stored on the endpoint?


Where are the monitor sets related files stored on the endpoint?


If you have a monitor set assigned to a machine, Kaseya will store some files under kworking directory that will help to understand and troubleshoot monitoring issues

1. c:\kworking\kmonitorsets\kmon$xxxx.xml

This is the xml file that defines a monitor set

Here xxxx will be an id that will match the id of monitor set in monitor>assign monitoring>view that machine id


2. c:\kworking\klogs\klog$xxxx.csv

This is the log file that contains the data for perfmon.exe counters being used by monitor set

Here xxxx will be the counter id found in the file "c:\kworking\kmonitorsets\kmon$xxxx.xml"






3. c:\kworking\counterList.xml

This is the xml file that would list the counters,services etc found by "update lists by scan"



Applies to

Kaseya Saas and On Premise

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