Monitor sets not appearing for assignment under the Monitor Tab > Assign Monitoring drop down menu

KB#:  KKB000649
  • HOW DO I... 
    View monitor sets under the Monitor Tab > Assign Monitoring drop down menu



    In order to see the available monitor sets in the drop down menu they must be saved to a private folder. Otherwise, they will not appear in this drop down. Monitor sets in a private folder will only be available under the drop down for users in which the private folder belongs to.

    If you would like all (or specific) users to view monitor sets under the drop down menu, then create a new folder under the "Shared" cabinet. Once this new folder is created, right click it and you will see an option called "Share Folder". This will allow you to share the monitor sets under this folder with certain (or all) users. You are also able to drag and drop monitor sets from the Kaseya Samples folder to your new shared folder.

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