What is the best practice for scheduling Audits?


What is the recommended practice for scheduling Audits?


In Kaseya, you have three different types of Audits. You have the Baseline Audit, System Information Audit, and the Latest Audits. Audits are one of Kaseyas highest consuming procedures. An Audit procedure gathers all the information from the machines and then writes it to the Kaseya database. This can often times result in hundreds of lines of data being written to all of our various database tables.

Improper Audit scheduling can lead to degrading performance and can sometimes bring your Kaseya server down.

baseline audit gathers the configuration of the system in its original state. As such, this audit should only ever be run once on an agent when it checks in for the first time.

system info audit gathers all DMI / SMBIOS data of the system as of the last system info audit. This data seldom changes and typically only needs to be run once on an agent when it checks in for the first time.

latest audit gathers the configuration of the system as of the last audit and as such does need to be run with frequency. It is recommended to run it once a week or once every two weeks due to the fact that hardware/software changes do not occur often enough to necessitate running this daily.

All Audits should be scheduled with a large distribution window. We recommend that you schedule your Audits with the 'Skip if Offline' option and have a distribution window large enough that there are no more than 150 Audits set to run an hour.

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