How do I get access to default Kaseya Views, Policies, Agent Procedures, Monitor Sets and Event Sets etc?
- Navigate to the System > Orgs/Groups/Depts/Staff > Manage page in the VSA.
- Create a temporary organisation (e.g. SSP_Content)
- Select that organization in the middle pane.
- Select the Systems Management tab.
- Click the Configure button.
- Click "Next" on the following 3 pages and click "Finish" on the last page.
- Once all the content has loaded in your system, you can then go ahead and delete the "SSP_Content" organisation
(Note: By leaving the boxes blank, the system will just add the content package to the database and will not change any previous assignment. When loading the content package you have the option to "assign" it to an organization and this will automatically assign policies to that organization. This happens when you check the boxes in the "Systems Management Configuration " window for the content package.)
More info available in the Standard Solution Package User Guide:
Applies to
Kaseya VSA