What database mode does Kaseya use and why?
Kaseya uses simple recovery mode. It must be this way. If it is set to full recovery mode, this will require further maintenance by the user that Kaseya doesn't perform. If the database is not properly maintained, the database size will grow exponentially. When you choose simple recovery model, SQL Server maintains only a minimal amount of information in the transaction log. SQL Server truncates the transaction log each time the database reaches a transaction checkpoint, leaving no log entries for disaster recovery purposes.
In databases using the simple recovery model, you may restore full or differential backups only. It is not possible to restore such a database to a given point in time, you may only restore it to the exact time when a full or differential backup occurred. Therefore, you will automatically lose any data modifications made between the time of the most recent full/differential backup and the time of the failure.
Simple Recovery requires the least administration. It is easier to manage than the Full or Bulk-Logged models, but at the expense of higher data loss exposure if a data file is damaged. Simple Recovery is not an appropriate choice for production systems where loss of recent changes is unacceptable. When using Simple Recovery, the backup interval should be long enough to keep the backup overhead from affecting production work, yet short enough to prevent the loss of significant amounts of data.
Advantage: permits high-performance bulk copy operations. Reclaims log space to keep space requirements small.
Disadvantage: changes since the most recent database or differential backup must be redone.
You can find out if your database is set to simply recovery mode by going to the (KaseyaURL)/inc/perftest.asp page
select name as 'Database', create_date as 'CreateDT', compatibility_level as 'Comp.Level',
collation_name as 'Collation', user_access_desc as 'Access', state_desc as 'State',
recovery_model_desc as 'RecoveryMod'
from sys.databases
where name in ('ksubscribers', 'tempdb')
order by name