Using Internet Explorer, you are unable to log into the VSA and get error: “Cookies are required for logon. Please enable cookies, then refresh this page before proceeding.”


Unable to log into VSA using Internet Explorer (IE). Receive the error > "Cookies are required for logon. Please enable cookies, then refresh this page before proceeding". Other browsers work fine



This is caused by the VSA not being able to detect the browser correctly due to an issue with Microsoft's .NET Framework.

Microsoft has issued a patch to address this issue. 


 On the Windows server hosting the VSA, please take the following steps:

Sometimes, the MS Patch does not "cleanup" ASP temp directories, so it is recommended to do the following after installing the patch:

  • Stop IIS
  • Navigate to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.<<some_number>>\Temporary ASP.NET Files  

Delete the contents of that directory (Do NOT delete the folder, just the contents of the directory)

  • Navigate to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.<<some_number>>\Temporary ASP.NET Files 

Delete the contents of that directory (Do NOT delete the folder, just the contents of the directory)

  • Restart IIS
  • Browse to the login page using IE



V7, R8, R9.x

Internet Explorer

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