08/28/2023 Graphus Release Notes v5.06.11

This release includes enhancements. 


  • We added a new whitelisting option under the Whitelisting section on the Global Settings and organization-level settings pages. Now, you can whitelist emails in four ways. Currently, you can whitelist a sender domain, an SMTP mail from the domain, or an IP address. With the new option, you can whitelist a combination of the sender domain, SMTP mail from the domain, and SPF value, reducing the scope of the SMTP from the whitelist. Meaning, that we are providing a mechanism where specific emails that are coming from mail services like salesforces, email chains, or any authorized organizations can be whitelisted. This will skip processing inbound emails with attributes matching the whitelisted parameters. No Quarantine or EmployeeShield® functionalities in Graphus will be applied to such emails. 
    • To view the updates on the MSP global settings page, log in to your Graphus portal and go to MSP Administration > Global Settings > Whitelisting >SMTP Mail From and Sender Domain. For more information, see the MSP Global Settings guide. 


    • To find the changes on the organization settings page, go to Settings > Whitelisting > SMTP Mail From and Sender Domain.  


    • Provide valid entries in the Sender Domain, SMTP Mail From Domain, and SPF fields before saving the changes, or the application will display an error message. 

MicrosoftTeams-image (108).png

    • Once you save changes, click View Current Whitelisting to see the configured Sender Domain, SMTP Mail From Domain, and SPF value whitelisting. 


  • We improved the Save Changes button functionality on the organization Settings page. This will prevent you from scrolling down after each change and manage to save your changes right after the section. 


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