How do I get to Spanning Backup for Salesforce?

Spanning Backup for Salesforce is Evolving into a Stand-Alone Experience

As we take the next big leap with Spanning Backup for Salesforce we will be making changes to the product's behavior. In the past Spanning Backup for Salesforce opened directly within your Salesforce Lightning experience in a dedicated tab like below:




In our next release we will be upgrading Spanning to a full standalone application experience. The application will automatically open in a new browser tab rather than inside your Salesforce lightning experience.


You will not lose access to any existing product features but will enjoy greater security and the ability to access your data more directly. This will also pave the way for more user experience innovations and other exciting features down the road.


This new dedicated experience, seen below, will still be accessible to launch from your App Exchange's launcher or via the direct link:



How do I launch the app?

There are two ways to launch Spanning Backup for Salesforce in the new experience.


1) You can still access SpanningBackup from the Salesforce App Launcher. This will provide you with a direct link to SSO into the standalone experience with your active user session.



Note: You can still create app launcher tiles and limit which users can see this link within your Lightning Experience


2) You can access the application directly using the new standalone URL:

You will be able to provide your Salesforce credentials and access the product UI directly from here. These are the same credentials you use today.

Note: There are NO changes to how the authentication workflow behaves in this update. Spanning does not store your credentials in any system. The authentication workflow is driven entirely by Salesforce Authentication and any other authentication providers or methods your organization may deploy.


What happens when my Spanning session expires?

Spanning Backup for Salesforce relies on a valid and active session. Even if the application is launched from an app tile or from within the lightning UI anything that would cause your session to expire such as user inactivity or forced expiration of a session by an administrator you will always be redirected to the new login screen.


You can use your Salesforce credentials to log in again.


Salesforce or services are offline! Can I access my data?

As long as Salesforce Authentication services are working you will be able to access your data retained within Spanning Backup for Salesforce even if key components of the platform or your data center region are down.


In the future we will be looking to add additional resilient and secure ways of accessing your critical Salesforce data. Stay tuned!

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