BMS (v5.7.0) - Nov 2021

This release includes new features, improvements, and fixes.

What's New! 

Reminder: New Service Desk

In our previous Release 5.0.0, we introduced a brand New Service Desk Experience. Navigate to My Settings > Preferences > Service Desk Experience > New view to enable the new ticketing interface. Find the detailed guide here.


Time Entry

We are enhancing our TimeEntry usability to match our legacy. Below are the enhancements part of this release for TimeSpent.

  • When the TimeSpent field is in focus, the input field will be completely auto-selected.
  • Users can type decimal numbers freely.
  • Delete/backspace on the input number will work without automatically replacing it with zero.
  • Startime and Endtime will be calculated after any update in the time spent field and vice versa.

Contact Custom Fields

  • Contact Custom fields are displayed in the ticket details panel.
  • Values in the panel are read-only.
  • Display order set in Admin > My Company > Custom Fields will be considered.
  • The first three items will be displayed, and a show more/less toggle can be used to collapse or expand the list. 

Quotes Bundles

To enable you to quickly add quote bundles, the quote bundle is now located under the “Add Item” section in Quote Summary.

Release Notes

Service Desk Dashboard

When editing the "Tickets by Assignee" widget, the top 10 performing employees with tickets assigned for today will be displayed. Find the detailed guide here.

New Service Desk

A new filter option Show only Internal is added to Ticket Activities. 


A new endpoint for contact summary is added in V2 API /v2/crm/contacts/summary.


A new endpoint for contact summary is added in V2 API /v2/crm/accounts/summary.


A new endpoint to expose the Survey Results is added in V2 API /v2/servicedesk/Tickets/{{ticket_id}}/surveyhistory.


Deliver charges will Create Asset as Hardware by default for serialized and non-serialized items.


Cytracom icon is updated to floating. Users can stick the icon anywhere on the page.


Syncs are enhanced to be real-time to avoid any delays during caching. 

New Service Desk

Fixed: When creating a new contact from a ticket, custom field values were not saved.

New Service Desk

Fixed: Switching to the new dashboard showed an internal error.

New Service Desk

Fixed: Timer on a ticket starts automatically, Admin settings to Enable Stopwatch Autostart - No was not honored.

Service Desk

Fixed: Technicians were able to see the delete button on a recurring ticket without delete permissions.

Dispatch calendar

Fixed: Deleting a service calls from Project > Task > Service call was not updating the Dispatch calendar.

Azure AD sync

Fixed: Phone numbers for contacts in the Azure Active directory were not updating in PSA.

Client Portal Fixed: Inline images were not displayed in the ticket view.

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