Can I restore Salesforce data by importing a CSV file?

Yes.  If you have run a process in your Salesforce environment that has updated the records for many fields in error, and you know exactly which records were affected and what you need to restore, you can upload a CSV of the IDs of the affected Salesforce records to Spanning and perform a bulk restore for all of the desired records.  To do this, please follow the steps below:

1. Prepare your CSV file to match the screenshot below.  The CSV should begin with a header of "Id" (no quotes).  Next, list all of the Salesforce IDs that you will want to restore.  All Salesforce IDs to be loaded in should be 18 characters long.  The maximum file size allowed is 100MB.

2. Log into your Spanning Backup for Salesforce account
3. Click the "Restore" button from the dashboard

4. Select whether you want to restore your data to the same org or a different org.  If you want to restore data to a different org, please see this Knowledge Base article.  When ready, click "Next".

5. Select the "Upload List" tab

6. Select the Object Type that you want to restore, and then select the "Upload CSV" button to upload the CSV file from your computer.  Also, select the backup date that you want to restore from.

7. Verify your CSV file.  The verification process will run in the background and you will be notified via email and Chatter when the verification is completed.

8. After the CSV file has been verified, select the 'Completed multi-record CSV Verification' button from the dashboard.  You can also click on the link provided on the email and Chatter notification to continue the restore process.

9. Confirm that all of the correct records have been selected, and then click 'Next'

10. Determine if related children records should be restored for deleted records.

11. If you would like to restore specific fields for updated records instead of restoring all fields, check the “Restore specific fields of updated records” option. Then, select the Object Type and fields that you want to restore. 

12. If you would like to overwrite any of the values of desired fields during the restore, check the 'Overwrite field values' option.  Select the fields that you want to overwrite and then input the values you want to be inserted. Alternatively, you can choose “Saved Preset” if you would like to reuse saved overwrite values.  Click here to learn more about saving overwrite values to reuse them for future restores.  When ready, click Next.  For more information on example use cases to overwrite field values during the restore process, please see this Knowledge Base article:

13. Confirm your restore

If you would like to see a demonstration of how to restore data with Spanning Backup for Salesforce by uploading a CSV, please watch the video below:


Your selected data will then be restored into your active Salesforce account.  If you have any additional questions, please contact Spanning Support.

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