If you have initiated a restore through Spanning Backup for Salesforce, and have received the following error, then you will need to adjust some of the data that you are attempting to restore:
Insufficient access rights on cross-reference id:
This error occurs when Salesforce rejects the creation or update of a record. A variety of scenarios could potentially cause this issue, such as:
*Trying to update a record that does not exist. The specified ID may be incorrect, or the record was deleted
*Trying to grant permission to another user when the granting user ID does not hold the permission being granted
*Trying to restore a particular record when your user account does not have access to that record
*Trying to update an object field that cannot be set explicitly. Salesforce prohibits all users from explicitly updating fields where the updatable attribute is set to 'False'
--Example fields may include: OwnerID, CreatedByID, CreatedDate, LastActivityDate, LastModifiedById, LastModifiedDate, etc.
If you receive this error for any of the above reasons, you will first need to modify the parameters of your restore so that it will successfully complete during the next attempt.
Why have I received an Insufficient Access Rights error?
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