Can I set up an email retention policy for Spanning Backup for Microsoft 365?

By default, Spanning Backup for Microsoft 365 retains your data as long as users have Spanning Licenses. You can set up a mail retention policy which will delete any email messages in your backups with a received date older than the retention period set. 

The email retention period will apply to all Spanning licensed users in your organization.

For example:

  • An organization sets a 180 day email retention period in Spanning
  • Spanning will delete all email existing in any backup with a received date greater than 180 days, and continue to do this on a daily basis automatically
  • For new users being backed up after a retention policy is set, no emails older than the retention period will be backed up
  • The mail retention policy setting for your tenant is displayed on the Settings page. 

If you would like more information about mail retention, or would like to set up a policy for your organization, please contact The request to enable a mail retention policy must come from a Global Admin in the tenant. 

Any changes to the retention policy will be tracked in the immutable Activity Log with a record of the admin who requested the policy change. 

To learn more about Retention for other workloads, like OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams. See the article Tenant Wide Retention.

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