Vorex (v5.2.0) - June 2021

This release includes new features, improvements, and fixes.

What's New! 

New Service Desk

Vorex has a brand new service desk experience. Navigate to My Profile > Preferences > Service Desk Experience > New view to enable the new ticketing interface. 

  • Deep links
    • Users can easily access the Account, Location, Contact information of a ticket by clicking on the deep link for View in Vorex. When the deep link is clicked a new tab for the respective modules will be presented.
    • View in IT Glue will enable access to Organization, Contact, Location, and Configuration data.
      Users will have to be authenticated to IT Glue to use the deep links.
  • Ticket List Views now have a page title and breadcrumbs.


Vorex is refactoring the quotation experience. This experience will include feature enhancements and a new look and feel. 

  • The visibility of effective margins for a quote is available in the Summary toolbar.
    Users can set margin value per line item, in ($) or (%).

Release Notes


The Classic invoice template, "Summary Time Totals, Product Charges, and Time Notes" is now available via Ad Hoc Reporting. Select a template <X>, and then select attachments <A>, <B>, and <C>.


In Ad-Hoc Reports, for Service Desk > Tickets category, the Worktype field is added. Users can select this field in Sorts, Filters, and Layouts and report on the Worktype selected on a ticket.

Service Desk

Fixed: Unknown ticket created from an email containing bad HTML tags failed to load. 


Fixed: When trying to update a product using the Rest API /inventory/products/{Product ID} error 500 was seen


Fixed: API endpoint to Get all tasks filtered by name failed with an error.


Fixed: API endpoint to GET project tasks returned incorrect results. 


Fixed: My Queue folder displayed an incorrect ticket count.


Fixed: Corrected suggested Dutch and Italian translations.


Fixed: Invoice exports to Xero failed due to API limitations. 

New Service Desk

Fixed: When adding a related ticket, search by open date was not returning the correct tickets.

New Service Desk

Fixed: Users were unable to add time entry using the mobile app.

New Service Desk

Fixed: Tickets were not sorted by status. 

New Service Desk

Fixed: Replies to a ticket were sent in plain text.


Fixed: When sorting on my open projects for complete status shows incorrect results.

RMM Integration

Fixed: Assets synced from RMM contained HTML characters on login name, last login name, and current user fields.

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