Vorex (v5.0.0) - Apr 2021

This release includes new features, improvements, and fixes.

New Features

Bill by Device - Bill by Device enables you to charge customers based on a Hardware Asset list view. Costs will automatically be prorated for each billing period as the device count changes. If you have the VSA RMM integration enabled, this means that you can use this feature to get a count of 'agents' and 'assets'. Find the detailed guide here.

Release Notes


In Ad-Hoc Reports, Finance > Invoice Design Header, Account Tax ID has been added so that users can report on CRM > Accounts > Tax Settings > Tax ID.


Bahrain Dinar (BHD) is now a supported currency.

Service Desk Fixed: The CC functionality contained erroneous duplicates.

Fixed: In Quotes, when searching for a product using the Manufacturer filter, the filtered results did not show all matching products.

CRM Fixed: European currency formats were not displayed correctly in the Amount field of purchase order charges.

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