Date Sept. 21st, 2022
New Features
No new features were added to this release.
Defect Fixes
IT Complete
- Kaseya One An issue occurred that could allow an account to incorrectly log out. We have changed the logout endpoint due to security concerns. This is not resolved. No customer action is required.
IT Complete [Common Look & Feel] - Navigation
We have made changes to the user interface to make Passly easier to use and match the Kaseya design system.
You will notice that Bold parent item when a child item is active selected. -
IT Complete [Common Look & Feel] - Help section
We have updated the User Interface to clear up the Help section. We have updated the “What’s New” button to reflect Passly’s colors. The version number will display when the user clicks into the “What’s new” button.
Single Sign On Manager
- SSO Manager [SAML Apps] Passly SAML App not working in SightPlan. Our team was able to help the Siteplan resolve the issue by creating a webview set “webview.settings.setDomStorageEnabled(true);”. This appears to have resolved that issue for customers.
SSO Manager [Microsoft365] Group with 'Global' scope and 'Distribution' type in Passly doesn't sync with 'Microsoft365' group in Azure AD with the same name.
We have found an issue where if there is no “” attribute for that group that should be created by DirSync. Once administrators make this change the Group will update.
We have published this KB to aide customers
SSO Manager [Microsoft365] An issue was identified where 'One time import from Azure AD to Passly' is still enabled in Microsoft 365 configuration after the first successful sync. Instead of acting like a one-time import the sync was persistent. This was updated on the backend to resolve the issue; the onetime import is now working as expected. No customer action is required to address this.
- SSO Manager [Microsoft365] An issue was identified where Alternate principal names weren't syncing from Passly to Azure Active Directory via Graph API Federated Microsoft 365. We have made backend changes to resolve this. No customer action is required.
- SSO Manager [Microsoft 365]We noticed that there was an issue where the 'Verified' label does not disappear near Graph API params after changing Management Credentials. We have updated the interface to address this issue. No customer action is required.
- SSO Manager [Microsoft 365]We noticed that there was an issue if you updated Alternate Principal names in Passly they were not being updated in Microsoft 365 We have updated the interface to address this issue. No customer action is required.
- SSO Manager [Microsoft 365]An issue was identified where the Import Groups parameter was still selected after unchecking in O365 params and clicking Save Changes. We have updated the interface to address this issue. No customer action is required.
Policy Manager
Authentication Policies Passly saves wrong policy methods when change actions order
Issue as we saw in production
Create a policy:
From the Interface we see
“[{"operator":"AND","conditions":[{"type":"User","property":"signin","filter":[]}],"actions": [{"Type":"AllowedMethods","Configuration":{"Methods":["password","ad","kerberos"],"RequiresPassword":true}},
Problem If you change the order of the actions (without removing the actions themselves, just reselect them as on the screen)
From the Interface we see
Expected result: the methods should be at least empty.
Actual result: The methods contain the values from previous selection. The lists are not cleaned properly when the user changes the actions of the policy. We have updated the interface to address this issue. No customer action is required.
Integration Manager
- Dark Web ID Integration We have a job that will try to create channels for all organization of all tenants. This job was not working as expected. We have updated the connection between Passly & Dark Web ID to resolve to address this issue. No customer action is required.
Dark Web ID Integration An issue was noticed Data may be incorrectly displayed on UI for Dark Web reports
Actual Result: Report might show not the latest run report, as well as report complete date.
Expected Result: The latest report as well as the latest report complete date should be displayed.
We have updated the interface to address this issue. No customer action is required. - Dark Web ID Integration An issue was identified with the data being synced from the Dark Web integration. There was a problem deleting old accounts from Dark Web ID that was blocking Passly from receiving updates. We have updated the interface to address this issue. No customer action is required.
Single Sign On Assistant Browser Extension
- Browser Extension: It was reported that the Firefox web store does not have proper Passly icon and the publisher is ID Agent. We have updated this via so that the correct Passly logo and branding is now displayed as expected. No customer action is needed as the extension will update automatically.
Directory Manager
Directory Manager: [Users] / [Groups]When you attempt to disconnect a user or group from Active directory it was not clear what “disconnecting” a user or group would occur.
Selecting Disconnect on one or more users will now display the following.Selecting Disconnect on one or more Groups will now display the following.