Passly 7.5.2 - Release Notes

Date Aug. 14, 2024

This release includes adjustments to production.

Defect fixes

Auth Manager

RADIUS – We have implemented security improvements to address the BLAST RADIUS threat. Specifically, the team modified the Passly RADIUS agent to block BLAST-RADIUS exploits.

Remediation steps for this issue.

  • Client addition of a MessageAuthenticator to all Access-Request packets.
  • Servers now check for MessageAuthenticator in all Access-Request packets.

The agent must be reinstalled for the update to be applied.

  • Download the latest agent from Auth Manager > Agents > Deployed Agent or via
  • Follow the setup guide to deploy the updated agent.

Once the v7.1.0.0 agent is installed these settings can be enabled by the following steps.

  1. Access Passly tenant.
  2. Select Auth Manager.
  3. Select Agents.
  4. Select your specific RADIUS Agent.
  5. Select Edit under agent configuration.
  6. You will now notice the following setting can be enabled.
    Enable/ Disable Require message-authenticator attribute. Once enabled this option blocks “BLAST-RADIUS”.

FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions).

  • Question: Does the agent need to be reinstalled for changed to take place?
  • Answer: Yes if you are using any agent older than RADIUS Agent it needs to be upgraded.

  • Question: What happens if I install the agent and the settings don’t update?
  • Answer: Restart the RADIUS Service.
    From an Elevated command prompt “net start PasslyRadius”.
    Or navigate in Windows Server to Service.msc and select restart on Passly RADIUS Server.


BLAST-RADIUS is a known vulnerability in RADIUS that allows for an attack to occur from within the network. You can learn more about BLAST-RADIUS via &

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