Release Notes for Recovery Series, Recovery Max, ION/ION+, and Unitrends Backup 10.6.3

This document describes new features and fixes introduced in the 10.6.3 release. For upgrade instructions and considerations, reference the Upgrade Guide for Recovery Series, Recovery MAX, ION/ION+, and Unitrends Backup.



Windows agent

This release includes updated Windows core and bare metal agents. The 10.6.3 core agent is recommended for all Windows assets and is required to protect Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11 assets.

  • Image-level backups – To address fixes in this release, the 10.6.3 agent promotes the asset's next Windows image-level backup to a full.
  • The 10.6.1 Windows agent included an updated Windows Volume changed block tracking (CBT) driver (used for incremental image-level backups). Note the following:
    • Upon installing the 10.6.2 agent on a Windows asset for the first time, a reboot of the Windows
      machine is required.
    • If upgrading from a pre-10.6.1 agent release, a reboot is required to update the CBT driver, but incrementals continue to run as scheduled until you can reboot the Windows machine.
    • Unitrends has implemented a new agent CBT driver process. With this new process, a reboot of the Windows machine will only be required for major CBT version changes. Major driver changes are very infrequent, incremental backups will not be impacted.




The table below lists fixes included in this release. Unless stated otherwise, you can apply each fix by simply upgrading your appliance.

Component   Fix
  • Resolved an issue where, in some cases, DHCP network settings were no longer present after rebooting the appliance.
  • Windows image-level backup – Resolved an issue that could cause a failed backup to display in the UI as successful. This is fixed in backups run by the 10.6.3 Windows agent.
Data Copy
Access (DCA)
  • Resolved a timer issue that could result in running multiple instances of a scheduled DCA job, causing the jobs to fail.
  • Instant recovery (IR) and file-level recovery (FLR) of Windows image-level backups – Resolved a signature issue that could cause IR and FLR jobs to fail. This is fixed in backups run by the 10.6.3 Windows agent.



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