Release Notes for Recovery Series, Recovery Max, and Unitrends Backup 10.5.7

This document describes new features and fixes introduced in the 10.5.7 release. For upgrade instructions and considerations, reference the Upgrade Guide for Recovery Series and Unitrends Backup.




Windows agent

This release includes updated Windows core and bare metal agents. The 10.5.7 core agent is recommended for all Windows assets and is required for Windows fixes in this release.


IMPORTANT! Windows image-level backups – After upgrading from a pre-10.4.9 agent,the next backup is automatically promoted to a full.



The table below lists fixes included in this release. Unless stated otherwise, you can apply each fix by simply upgrading your appliance.

Component   Fix
Appliance license
  • Licensing no longer requires the primary NIC to be connected.
Inventory sync
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the Inventory Sync process to hang. This could occur when
    selecting > Inventory Sync or when adding/modifying virtual host assets.
  • Windows replica on Hyper-V – Resolved an issue with creating replicas where required Hyper-V host information was not being detected (in the Create Windows Replica - Define Location dialog, the Storage and Network drop-downs were empty).
  • NDMP – Resolved an issue where restores failed in some cases if a recovery target directory was specified.
  • Instant Recovery (IR) or Data Copy Access (DCA) of a Windows 2019 image-level backup to an ESXi host – Resolved an issue where recovery failed because VMware tools could not be installed.


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