Protecting Hyper-V 2019/2016 VMs with disks that reside on SMB 2.0 shares


Protecting Hyper-V 2019/2016 VMs with disks that reside on SMB 2.0 shares 

For Hyper-V 2019 and some later Hyper-V 2016 versions, the insecure guest logins setting must be enabled to protect VMs with data that resides on SMB 2.0 shares. Use these steps to enable this setting on a Hyper-V 2019 or 2016 server:

  1. Open the Local Group Policy Editor OR open a Command Prompt (Admin) or Search Bar and run gpedit.msc.
  2. Browse to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > Lanman Workstation.
  3. In the Settings area, click Enable insecure guest logons, select the Enabled option and save the changes.

After setting this policy, depending on GPO settings, you may need to perform a gpupdate to make the setting active.  Access a command prompt as administrator and execute "gpupdate"  

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