Inclusion lists for Linux clients


Linux clients. Wildcards are not supported. The selection lists applied to a Linux full backup must be applied to all subsequent incremental and differential backups.


Notice, This KB refers to Linux Inclusion Lists from the perspective of the new Unitrends “Satori” UI released in 9.0 for CentOS 6 Hardware, UEB and UEB on Linux  platforms.  Older systems Running 9.0 release or prior with CentOS 5 do not have access to the new UI and continue to use only the Legacy Recovery Console.  For information on protecting Linux inclusion List usage in the Legacy Recovery Console, please download the 8.2 version Administrators Guide from our web site. 
Beginning with version 8.0, inclusion lists are supported for full, incremental, and differential backups of Linux clients. Wildcards are not supported. The selection lists applied to a Linux full backup must be applied to all subsequent incremental and differential backups.  I
IMPORTANT! Both the Unitrends appliance and the Linux agent must be version 8.0 or higher. Backups with an inclusion list will contain only files that meet the inclusion criteria. Run a new full upon creating or modifying an inclusion or exclusion list for the client.
Example uses for inclusion lists for Linux full, differential, or incremental backups include:
  • Prevent accidental inclusion of unwanted external volumes. For example, if someone connects a USB drive or maps an external file system to a protected Linux asset, the new volume would normally be automatically included in subsequent file-level backups.
  • Include only certain volumes or paths that have important data without losing the ability to capture only changes in subsequent incremental or differential backups or to take advantage of increnetal for ever backup processing. (Using the selective backup type would not allow for incrementals and differentials of included data.)
  • Configuring the list of what to include in some cases is easier than specifying what to exclude from a backup.
To specify includes for full, differential, and incremental backups of Linux
  1. Do one of the following:
  2. Complete step 1-3 on page 94 in "To create a backup job for Agent-Based assets".
  3. Complete step 1-2 on page 101 in "To edit a backup job".
  4. Click Edit pencil icon to the right of the Asset name in the Job inventory Settings Pane.
  5. Specify your Inclusions either by specifying and adding each full path, or more easily, by clicking the Browse button and selecting and adding your paths using the Browse Files interface.
  6. Optionally, specify Exclusions by selecting the Exclusion tab and repeating the process.WARNING, only exclude subsets of the inclusion list.If exclusions are made that are not part of the inclusion list the backup will fail.
  7. Click Save once your lists are input.
  8. Click Next to move to the Define Job Settings page and then continue editing or creating your job settings per the information referenced in the Administrators Guide.
Inclusion and exclusion list combinations for Linux clients
Beginning with version 8.0, combinations of inclusion and exclusion lists are supported for full, incremental, and differential backups of Linux clients. Wildcards are not supported.
Both the Unitrends appliance and the Linux agent must be version 8.0 or higher, and the selection lists applied to the full backup must also be applied to all subsequent incremental and differential backups. For full, differential, and incremental backups, you can select includes and then specify excludes.
The following topics describe Linux inclusion and exclusion lists used together:
  • "Linux full backup with an inclusion and exclusion list combination "
  • "When to use inclusion and exclusion list combinations "
  • "To specify includes and excludes for Linux clients"
Linux full backup with an inclusion and exclusion list combination
When running an on-demand backup or creating a backup schedule for Windows or Linux clients, you can specify the files to include and then choose a subset of selected files to exclude. If you create both an inclusion list and an exclusion list, the inclusion list is applied first. The exclusion list is then applied to define a subset of included files to omit.
In the graphic below, the inclusion list determines that the /usr/docs drive should be included, and
then the exclusion list is used to exclude a subset of the included files: F1.tmp and F2.tmp.

User-added image

When to use inclusion and exclusion list combinations
Example uses for inclusion and exclusion list combinations for Linux full, differential, and incremental backups include:
  • Include a training folder that contains training videos, then exclude all Word and PowerPoint files within the folder. For example, the training department is updating all of their training videos due to new requirements, and they want to back up all of their video-related files except for companion Word and PowerPoint documents.
  • Include a particular volume, then exclude a folder within that volume. For example, you want to backup your /usr/docs drive, but you want to exclude the /usr/docs/Status Reports folder.

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