Excluding System State in a Schedule from the SSH OS Command Line


Details on how to exclude the system state from aliased clients.


In cases with a large filesystem, potentially with millions of files, the backup process may be sped up by using aliased clients, enabling data to be backed up in parallel. In this case, only one of the aliased clients should contain the system state. This KB explains how to remove the system state from clients for which the system state should be excluded.



Starting with 9.0.0-11, we added the ability to exclude the system state in a schedule through the CLI. The following are the steps to take in order to exclude the system state from a client in a schedule.

NOTE: It is not recommended to change system inclusion or exclusion once backups have run. Inclusion or exclusion of the system state should be set prior to any backups being run.

  1. Access the command line for the Satori UEB.
  2. Run the command:
    unitrends-cli get joborders
  3. Find the id of the joborder you wish to modify (jobs with clients that can have the system state excluded have an id ending with ‘e’)
  4. Run the command:
    unitrends-cli get joborders -i 25e
    (where ‘25e’ is the id of the joborder you wish to modify) The output data will have a “clients” section similar to the following:
    "clients": [ { "name": "Win7", "id": 5, "incl_list": [“C:/”], "excl_list": [“F:/WIn-86-src/”]} ,{ "name": "Windows10", "id": 12 } ]
  5. Take the “clients” section of the data and add “metanames”: [ “registry” ] to all clients that you wish to exclude the system state from. Using the same data from above as an example, run the following command to exclude the system state. Note: the input data must be wrapped in single quotes as shown below or the call will not work:
    unitrends-cli put joborders -i 25e -R ‘{ "clients": [ { "name": "Win7", "id": 5, "incl_list": [“C:/”], "excl_list": [“F:/”]} ,{ "name": "Windows10", "id": 12, “metanames”:[“registry”] } ] }

For including the system state, follow the same steps, however remove the “metanames”:[“registry”] piece (instead of adding it) from any clients for which you want to include the system state.


Electing to include or exclude system state should only be done before any backups have run on the joborder. It is not recommended to change this once backups have run.

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