How to generate and modify the Retention Compliance Details report


This article describes how to generate and modify the Retention Compliance Details report.


The Retention Compliance Details report provides a comprehensive view of asset compliance with long term retention policies. By default, this report is generated monthly. 


To generate and view the Retention Compliance Details report: 

Step 1: Log in to your Unitrends appliance via SSH.
Note: A terminal emulator such as PuTTY can be used to establish an SSH connection from a Windows system. 

Step 2: Run the command ltr_compliance_report.php -t <report_type> [options..]

Usage instructions for the ltr.compliance_report.php script:

 -t <report_type> report type (required);                   
valid values: singleSource, multipleSources, allAssets

 -s <sources> comma-separated list of source names (optional);
applicable only on target system and when report_type is 'singleSource' or 'multipleSources'

 -f <use_html> report format - use HTML (optional);       
specify 1 for true, 0 for false

 -l <report_location> path of location to store the generated report (optional)
If any of the optional arguments aren't passed in, the corresponding settings in 'RetentionComplianceReport' section of master.ini are used.

Step 3: Retrieve the Retention Compliance Details report. By default, the report can be found in /usr/bp/reports.dir titled with the following naming scheme: <source_name>_retention_details_report
Note: To access the report more easily from a Windows system, use the mv command to move the report to /backups/samba, where it can be accessed at \\<appliance IP>\samba via your file browser. 



The Retention Compliance Details report can also be modified via the master.ini variables detailed in the following table:

These master.ini variables can be accessed by logging into the Unitrends web UI and selecting Configure > Appliances > (select appliance) > Edit > Advanced > General Configuration.

Section Name Accepted Values
RetentionComplianceReport EnableReport Enter "Yes" to enable the report. Enter "No" to disable the report. 
RetentionComplianceReport ReportType Enter "allAssets" to include all assets in the report.
Enter "singleSource" to only include a single source's assets in the report. 
Enter "multipleSources" to only include specified source's assets in the report. 
Note: Sources are specified in the "Sources" variable. 
RetentionComplianceReport Sources Enter a comma-separated list of all sources whose assets you wish to wish to display in the report. 
Note: Not applicable if ReportType = allAssets.
RetentionComplianceReport Frequency Enter "monthly" to generate the report every month. Enter "weekly" to generate the report every week. 
RetentionComplianceReport DayOfMonth Enter a value of "1" to "31" to specify the day of the month on which the report generates.
Note: Not applicable if Frequency = weekly.
RetentionComplianceReport DayOfWeek Enter a value of "1" to "7" to specify the day of the week on which the report generates.
1 = Sunday
7 = Saturday 
Note: Not applicable if Frequency = monthly.
RetentionComplianceReport ReportUseHtml Enter "Yes" to generate the report as an .html file. Enter "No" to generate the report as a .pdf document. 
RetentionComplianceReport ReportLocation Enter a file pathway representing a location on the appliance. The report is generated in this location. 

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