The latest Unitrends air gap update media is made available on the Unitrends support site. If an older version is required, it can be found on the Unitrends S3 air gap update repository.
1. Navigate to
2. Search for the version required.
Example: For the 10.5.4 CentOS 7 air gap update media, search "1054":
*Note: You will see two listings for each OS version. The iso itself plus the md5 checksum.
3. Please close attention to the key identifier fields, such as the operating system (CentOS 6 or CentOS 7) and the software version. This is important as the older CentOS 6 media will be found first.
Ex: <Key>CentOS7/ROS1054U.el7.x86_64-070221_1329.iso</Key>
4. Once the correct version is identified, add the file path to the end of the url as shown below.
5. Now enter the url into your browser and download the required air gap update media.