Can not back up Guest VM (Ubuntu) RVCIAP001 on Hyper-v Host RVVM004 using virtual protection > : CreateVSSSnapshot: USNAPError! Writer has failed after PrepareBackup request.


Can not protect Guest VM (Ubuntu or Linux) on Hyper-v Host. Error is:
 CreateVSSSnapshot: USNAPError! Writer has failed after PrepareBackup request.


There are some important recommendations (requirements) that Microsoft indicates in the following two documents below (in Notes section):

  1. Use only native virtual hardware, not emulated.
  2. Use the NOOP Scheduler.
  3. Use only static MAC addresses, as there are issues with dynamic MACs when using Linux VMs on CSVs
See the Microsoft documents in the Notes section for instructions on how to perform this.


Best Practices for running Linux on Hyper-V

Supported Ubuntu virtual machines on Hyper-V

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