Target DPU Has a New IP Address / Moving the Target to New Network


How to reestablish hot copy replication if moving the source or target DPU to a new network.


There is a source and a target that was working, but now the target has moved to a new location and has been assigned a new ip.  Now, replication needs to be reactivated.  


  1. Confirm that port 1194 was open on both firewalls for source and target.
  2. Open two SSH sessions, one to the source and then to the target . Verify that tun0 is present: ifconfig
    1. If not, use service openvpn restart to restart Openvpn service. Verify with ifconfig again that tun0 has returned.
  3. From source to target, ping the new ip address to verify that there is connectivity, then confirm the same from target to source. Resolve pinging as necessary.
  4. vi the hosts table: vi /etc/hosts
  5. Comment out the old nonVPN from the hosts file, then create a new nonVPN entry for the new ip address on both the source and target.
    1. Example: 
    2. UnitrendsDPU-nonVPN
    3. # UnitrendsDPU-nonVPN
  6. psql -U postgres bpdb -c "select * from" : On the target, check the systems table on the target and verify that is_active is set to t for the source DPU
    1. If not, use the command psql -U postgres bpdb -c "update set is_active='t' where system_id='X'" where X is the specific system id for the DPU you need from the table.
    2. Now verify that the db on the target can talk to the source: psql bpdb -h SourceName
  7. If still not communicating, ssh to the source and run the command: cmc_grant grant TargetName to grant management rights on the source database.
    1. Now verify that the db on the target can talk to the source: psql bpdb -h SourceName
    2. Update the table on the Target again: psql -U postgres bpdb -c "update set is_active='t' where system_id='X'"
  8. Now restart the openvpn services on source and target: service openvpn restart
  9. Now verify that jobs are starting to move again.

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