Manual Replication Jobs


How to start a manual replication job for a specific backup


Selecting a backup to be added to the replication queue if it has not replicated yet or is desired to be replicated. 


-Head to the 'Protect' page
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-Choose an asset under the appliance.
-An asset can also refer to a server that may contain items related to SQL, Exchange, Sharepoint, Oracle, etc.

-After choosing an asset, select a successful backup indicated by a green check mark. 
-Click on Details on the pop-up window. 

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-When 'Details' is clicked, a window will come up regarding the backup on that day. 
-The 'Add to Hot Backup Copy Queue' will only be visible IF the appliance is configured for replication (either to Cloud or another appliance), the backup is a full/master, is not already listed in Active Jobs for replication, and if it has not replicated yet. 

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-If chosen to be added to the 'Hot Backup Copy Queue,' it will be listed on the Active Jobs page and should start replicating as soon as it switches from 'Queued' to 'Active.' 


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