This release includes updated Windows core and bare metal agents. The 10.5.4 core agent is recommended for all Windows assets and is required for Windows fixes in this release.
Windows image-level backups – After upgrading from a pre-10.4.9 agent, the next backup is automatically promoted to a full.
The table below lists fixes included in this release. Unless stated otherwise, you can apply each fix by simply upgrading your appliance.
Windows image-level backups – Resolved an offset issue that caused backups to fail with this error: duplicate key value violates unique constraint. This fix requires the 10.5.4 Windows agent.
Indexed Windows image-level backups – Resolved an issue where temporary objects created by the backup job would display on the File Level Recovery tab. With this fix, these backup objects no longer display.
NAS backups – Resolved an issue on CentOS 7 appliances where NAS backups would fail if any path contained a non-UTF8 character. With this fix, any path containing a non-UTF8 character is skipped and the backup job continues.
Instant recovery (IR) of image-level backups – Resolved an issue with on-appliance IR where the timezone of the instant recovery VM did not match the timezone of the appliance.
File level recovery – Resolved an issue where recovery objects that had been torn down would continue to display on the File Level Recovery tab.
Appliance upgrades – Addressed an issue that prevented the deduplication process from resuming after upgrading the appliance. This could eventually lead to space issues on the appliance.