How to adjust the Linux agent's mynotify watches that are used to determine files to backup in differential and incremental backups
How to adjust the Linux agent's mynotify watches that are used to determine files to backup in differential and incremental backups
Applies To
Linux agent 6.1.1+
Symptoms / Description
The master backup includes the files you want to protect, but the differential and/or incremental do not include the files AND you have confirmed that they have been modified since the master backup began.
You may see an error on Linux File backups stating "Journal range exceeded. Please run a new master." If you see this perform a new master, and the error returns, following this KB may be necessary.
The Linux agent differential and incremental backups now use a mynotify daemon process to track local file system changes. The daemon has the ability to exclude items from the watch processing to reduce overhead in journaling the changes. This is useful for busy temporary file folders, such as live database folders or the path of the related database log files. If you need to exclude something you may add it to either of the following files depending on your software version: /usr/bp/bpinit/watches.exc or (newer) /usr/bp/incremental_forever/journal.excludes.
If you have a journal.excludes file then you can also tune the default exclusions by removing them.
Resolution / Workaround / Execution Process
Edit /usr/bp/bpinit/watches.exc or (newer) /usr/bp/incremental_forever/journal.excludes. Then restart the mynotify daemon by running the following commands:
ps -C mynotify
/usr/local/bin/mynotify stop
ps -C mynotify
# Expect no results. Wait 1 minute and then run:
ps -C mynotify
/usr/local/bin/mynotify start
# You should now see a new process ID (PID) for mynotify.
Now, run a new master backup of the Linux client.