File versus Block Backup


File versus Block Backup



What is meant by block level backup?  Does Unitrends use File or Block-based backups?


What is meant by block level backup?  Does Unitrends use File or Block-based backups?  For example, if a change is made to a file do we replicate the change blocks only or whole file?




Unitrends blends file-based backups with block-based backups depending on operating system and content.

File-based backup tends to be more flexible, tends to handle applications better, and tends to allow greater selectivity in terms of what is backed up.  Block-based backup is also quite often the only game in town for protecting host-level virtualized environments (such as VMware with VADP)

The Unitrends Agents combine file-based backups for most common files types.  Application-aware, block-level backups are used to capture differential backups for SQL, Exchange and HyperV.  Also, block-level backups are used for agentless VMware host backups.

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