Understanding Unitrends support for Citrix Studio, XenApp, XenDesktop, and VDI VMs
The authority for backing up XenApp and XenDesktop is Citrix. Consult their KB article on "How to Backup and Restore your XenApp/XenDesktop Database."
The best practice for Citrix Studio, XenApp, XenDesktop, and (essentially, VDI VMs) is to use the Citrix process listed above to generate the backup that is placed in a path where a Unitrends backup can be performed (e.g: using the Unitrends Client Agent to create a File Level Backup). This process is supported by Citrix and Unitrends.
For details on which Operating Systems and Applications Unitrends supports, review the Unitrends Compatibility and Interoperability Matrix. The Administrators Guide will go into depth on how to deploy the proper agent for best protection.