Ontrack PowerControls for SharePoint presents the following error when cataloging the backup: No valid SharePoint data was found
Ontrack PowerControls for SharePoint presents the following error when cataloging the backup.
It will be necessary to deselect the “Compress backup” option in order to use the Ontrack software with backups created after the change is made. Backups made before this setting change is made will available for Farm-level restores.
The setting may be changed using the SQL Server Management Studio. There right click the SQL Server instance and go to Properties->Database Settings. There you need to deselect “Compress backup”.
To confirm issue resolution, after making the change, run a new SharePoint backup, then create a new restore share on the Unitrends appliance using the new backup. After it completes, point the Ontrack software at the spbackup.xml.
The SQL Server instance used for SharePoint is configured to create compressed backups. This is not currently an option that Ontrack supports.